05 September 2008

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

For a long time, I've been meaning to get around to piecing together my insights and ideas in a way that is seemingly more constructive than speaking. Anyone who has ever met me knows I already do plenty of that. In times like these-and by that I mean always-communicating our ideals and insights with one another is critical. The internet has undoubtedly revolutionized how we go about doing this. I'm the kind of guy that always has his eye on the bigger picture. I'm constantly focused on getting my point across. Right now seems as appropriate a time as any---Enter the blog.

It is in our nature to desire success and prosperity. However, those of us educated in the liberal arts tradition often exit the confines of our cushy campus lifestyles to enter the world believing we're destined to leave it better than we found it. After graduating college in May, I entered the business world and landed a job with a marketing company. I'm not sure I'm happy. I'm still figuring out how what I do has a positive impact on people's lives; it may or may not become more clear as time goes on.

I work hard each day to find a balance between my social and entrepreneurial interests. Perhaps the ultimate test of one's conscience is their ability to sacrifice individual wealth for the greater good. As humans, we're told that life is about leaving our footprint on this Earth. As Americans, we're told to diversify our stock portfolio if we want to make it to retirement. Each day when I awake I find myself wondering how I can reconcile these two ideas (among other conflicting thought processes). Pondering this, never mind actually accomplishing it, is certainly no easy task.

Intellectual inquiry is alive and well within me. Meanwhile, I'm a realist. I understand the importance of integrating the many dimensions of my life; be it the spiritual, civic, emotional, or physical. I'm commited to maintaining my status as a lifelong learner. I ask questions. I demand answers. I have global perspective. I'm constantly sounding the call to go against the establishment.

I'm not sure what exactly this blog will focus on. I'm sure it will have plenty to say about me and my experiences. It might even have a thing or two to say about you and your experiences. Maybe it won't have anything to do with either. Maybe I'm too serious-I'm really just not sure. You may want to check in and keep up, because if all goes as planned, it'll be right here that it all gets figured out.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will this is a wonderful thing you are doing and I appreciate the time and effort you committed to getting the facts. You've really done your research!


September 6, 2008 at 11:18:00 AM EDT  

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